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WEBINAR: Transformational Change - Linking Spend Control Actions to Strategic Enterprise (Proactis)
Thursday, February 23, 2017, 10:00am - 10:45am
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Your organisation counts on you to BETTER MANAGE SPEND, and you KNOW the organisation can do better. So what’s holding you back? What can you do within YOUR scope to influence transformational change?

In addition, how do you ‘connect the dots’ between your organisation’s strategic initiatives – business reorganisation, deploying or upgrading a new ERP, or transforming business processes – to deliver real bottom-line impact?

Spend Control solutions and services can offer ‘quick wins’ to drive transformational change and help:

  • Improve control & visibility of spend
  • Streamline supplier interaction
  • Improve AP efficiency
  • Reduce supplier risk
  • And more
In this webinar, we look at real life case studies of people who have made the difference in their organisations – by understanding the linkages between 1) what’s driving the need for change, 2) their organisation’s strategy for change, and 3) the tools required to enact change.