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Webinar: Effectively Engaging Your Workforce (APICS SE)
Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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Featuring Mark Preston, President & CEO, Lean Applications 
Author of "Southern Sensei" 

Moderated by Scott W. Luton, APICS Southeast District Staff 

Findings from a recent Gallup study entitled “State of the American Workplace” report that 70% of U.S. workers don’t like their job. If that is even a remotely accurate figure, then there are tens of millions of Americans that are completely disconnected and disengaged from their employers. This means less productivity, less collaboration, less innovation and a lot more turnover - - and that’s just for starters! In this special APICS Southeast District Webinar Series event, Mark Preston will dive into proven best practices for effectively increasing your workforce engagement, which ultimately improves your team’s overall success and bottom line. 

About the presenter: 
Mark Preston has been driving change in manufacturing and sales environments for over 25 years using continuous improvement – lean. During his 11 years with TDK Electronics, he studied Kaizen manufacturing techniques in Japan during TDK Executive Sensei training. He later led the TDK Georgia Plant lean initiatives and increased videotape and startup recordable compact disc productivity. After TDK, Mark invested 7 years in various executive roles within Respironics Inc where he implemented Demand Flow Technology. In 2006, Mark became the Director of Acuity Business System at Acuity Brands Lighting. He led the deployment of lean in the Acuity supply chain for 16 Plants, 5 Distribution Centers and 14 Supplier development programs. Currently, Mark is a lean champion for the Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME) and is on the AME National Board where he leads the board’s Key Result Area for Enterprise Excellence. Mark is a keynote speaker for a variety of leading organizations and recently published his first book “Southern Sensei”. 

Questions? Feedback? Please contact Scott Luton at 678.296.5268 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

