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WEBINAR: Making Cognitive Real - The Transformation of Service Agents (HfS Research)
Thursday, March 23, 2017, 11:00am - 12:15pm
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Virtual agents are using cognitive computing and AI to move beyond traditional conversational services, toward services that execute process steps or even are capable of performing self-remediation. IPsoft’s Amelia is a compelling example, and one of the most mature solutions available today. 

In this webinar, experts from HfS Research, IPsoft, SEB Bank, and University of Missouri-St. Louis/MIT CISR discuss the rise of the Virtual Agents. 

Attend and learn: 

- Why leading organizations are investing in Virtual Agents to deliver top-notch Customer Experience 
- How Virtual Agents are helping organizations reach the Digital OneOffice endgame – and why that matters 
- How Virtual Agents fit into the broader Intelligent Automation Continuum 
- Why service orchestration is the cornerstone of successful Virtual Agent services 
- Where do human agents fit in? 
- Lessons from IPSoft’s Amelia Clients

