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WEBINAR: Empowering Procurement To Talk Pharmacy Benefits (Corporate United, Employers Health)
Thursday, March 30, 2017, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A managed pharmacy benefits program offers a lot of key benefits to your organization, including increased cost savings, but it can be really challenging to get the conversation started. Decision-makers might think the current program is performing “good enough” or, they might not understand the real value that comes with a carved-out pharmacy benefits program. So, how do you get key influencers interested in making a change?

Join us for an upcoming webinar, “Empowering Procurement to Talk - Pharmacy Benefits” and find out how to get your internal stakeholders engaged. Hear from the experts at Corporate United and Employer’s Health as they discuss:

  • Why pharmacy benefits and procurement are a perfect match
  • Key terms to understand
  • Common questions about they dynamics of a pharmacy benefits program

