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WEBINAR: Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Procurement (Spend Matters, KPMG)
Wednesday, April 05, 2017, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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Are you overwhelmed with the noise about AI right now? Is the buzzword meter ringing loudly for terms like cognitive, machine learning, chatbots, and RPA? Is it still a bit unclear what specific shorter-term and longer-term risk and opportunities are pertinent - and what’s real out there right now? If so, you’re not alone!In this 60 minute webinar, KPMG and Spend Matters will provide an overview of how AI is already shaping and supporting procurement, and what’s in the works at early stage adopters. In this webinar, you will learn:
How a “collective intelligence” is being built within value chains - and how this trend can help procurement get immediate value from suppliers and also influence corporate digital strategies. Understanding and relating terms like AI, machine learning, bots, agents, “robotic process automation”, etc. and how they are getting infused into existing procurement approaches and services. How these technologies support specific scenarios and processes in spend analytics, market intelligence, supply chain risk, data management, strategic sourcing, contract management, P2P, and the broader supply chain. Some of the hidden risks in this area and how to make smart choices in your intelligent journey.