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WEBINAR: The Digital Procurement Era (BravoSolution)
Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As organisations move to an environment characterized by cloud computing, the Internet of things, distributed computing, and mobile applications, it will be important to understand where and how these technologies can create value and support procurement decision-making. 

Key Topics of the Webinar: 

  • How can digital supply chains help drive visibility, capabilities, knowledge management, cost reduction, contract compliance, risk, and flexibility in the face of uncertainty?
  • What is the nature of these changes in the digital ecosystem?
  • How to map a strategy that establishes linking mechanisms between the types of business questions, sources of data, and the role of digital platforms in informing strategic decisions across the supply chain.
  • A “checklist” of issues to help participants think through how these changes will impact their jobs and their working environment.


