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WEBINAR: Exceeding the Requirements of Global Supply Chain Excellence (BSI, LogiPharma)
Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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With the expectation of growing cost pressures, pharmaceutical quality executives must prioritize a lean supply chain that is still flexible enough to avoid continuity and security gaps. This webinar, hosted by BSI and LogiPharma, invites leading supply chain executives to help define the new standards for compliance and visibility in a global environment.
With developing markets increasingly at the heart of these supply chains, it’s not enough to understand who you’re sourcing from. You need to go deeper, and develop a true strategic level of visibility. Join our expert panel as we discuss the challenges and opportunities that will get us there!
- What risk is presented by not going deep enough into supplier quality management
- How to better identify and control the weak links in the supply chain
- What strategies leaders in the industry are adopting to control their risk exposure