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WEBINAR: Breaking the Hotel Sourcing Cycle (ProcureCon, Advito)
Thursday, June 22, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Changes in the corporate travel industry are constant – especially in the hotel space. Hotel consolidation activity has increased considerably over the last two years.  And this is just the beginning of the movement as we will continue to see hotel mergers and acquisitions in years to come. 

When the market changes, but your program stays the same, you leave money on the table. Dynamic Performance Management – which calls for ongoing program monitoring and adjustment – keeps you ahead of the constantly shifting market. In this webinar, sponsored by leading travel management consultancy Advito, we will discuss the metrics you should be consistently reviewing, and trends in the market that make constant program analysis vital – like chain consolidation, rate unpredictability and the ever growing sharing economy for example. 

