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WEBINAR: Making the Case for Digital Transformation (Coupa, ProcureCon)
Thursday, July 27, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As businesses across virtually every industry face pressure to remain on the cutting edge of technology to maintain competitive advantage, digital transformation has become a trending theme.  

CPOs and CIOs are ideally situated to drive technological transformations forward, given their positions within the business as dual engines for the creation of efficiencies. With that said, doing so requires careful consideration, a wealth of great points, the right data, and perhaps most importantly, the courage to make the case. 

We’ll be letting the professionals who are actually making these changes happen share their strategies in their own words. This webinar is a rare opportunity to participate in a forum where unfiltered insights are being shared by industry leaders. 

What’s truly amazing is that you’ll be hearing from not just IT or Procurement, but high level stakeholders from both groups, laying out their perspectives and highlighting what can really make a relationship productive. 

Tune in, and bring your questions and opinions to share- this interactive learning forum is sure to provide you with killer strategies to bring IT and Procurement closer together, and your business closer to completing a jump to the next generation of business solutions. 

