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WEBINAR: Fire! How to Walk the Hot Coals of Gender Issues at Work (APICS, Talent Stream)
Thursday, August 17, 2017, 12:00pm - 01:00pm

Featuring Elba Pareja-Gallagher, CSCP Founder, Chair, APICS Atlanta Task Force on Gender Gap

Moderated by Scott W. Luton, CSCP, LSSGB EVP, APICS Atlanta Managing Partner, TalentStream

From Uber to the White House, we have seen some spectacular gender faux pas play out on the front page. While your workplace is probably not as sensational as headlines, we all run into sticky gender situations at work. From subtle stereotyping to blatant blunders, during this time of heightened awareness of gender equality we say and hear things that create discomfort. In this webinar, Elba Pareja-Gallagher, founder of ShowMe50, will share practical tips for how to navigate the gender embers gracefully and come out on the other side as a hero leading high performance teams.

About the presenter: Elba Pareja-Gallagher is the founder of the social impact organization The non-profit’s vision is to achieve 50% women in senior leadership positions through a grassroots movement of women and men. Using a one-of-a-kind collaborative approach, individuals learn to influence change at work in gender bias awareness, talent management, workplace flexibility and executive accountability. ShowMe50 holds Lean In Circle meetings in Sandy Springs which incorporate communication, strategy and leadership training. Recently, APICS Atlanta and ShowMe50 formed a strategic alliance to lead change and close the gender gap in Supply Chain and Manufacturing. Elba is also a finance and strategy professional with 20 years of experience at UPS. She’s held roles in International Finance, Investor Relations, Marketing and Strategy. She lived as an expat in Asia for three years and currently works on a cross-functional team developing long term strategies for Global B2C commerce. She’s published several thought leadership blogs on UPS Longitudes.

