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WEBINAR: Creating Transparency in the Supply Chain to Reduce Risk (BravoSolution)
Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Labor and Human Rights. With the advent of disasters like Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, as well as factory work in low cost countries, working conditions are becoming a hot button for many companies. An important transition into creating transparency is when large organizations can create a “federated” network, by integrating smaller firms into their network and drive a common purpose is a concept that is emerging as key to global competition. Some of the issues will include:

Key Topics of the Webinar: 

  • How can companies begin to understand supply chain risks in the form of human and labor rights violation, transparency, and environmental issues?
  • How to drive federated policies that include common operating procedures, established standards, driving aligned supply chain processes and tacit understanding of how things work.
  • How can procurement work with shared holders to create shared values around working conditions and embed them in the supply base
  • How will creation of full transparency into operations across the extended enterprise impact our supply chain human resource policies?

