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WEBINAR: The Trends Shaping the IT Services Market (HfS Research)
Thursday, October 12, 2017, 11:00am - 11:30am
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In 2017 HfS conducted one of its largest and most extensive research projects covering the dynamic IT Services space. Pulling together data from over 300 Global 2000 firms, alongside qualitative client references, and in-depth provider briefings, HfS analysts are able to paint a picture of the industry in unrivaled detail. In this webinar, we will be using the findings of this research to plot out some of the key trends impacting the IT landscape and how some of these have the potential to transform the way in which providers and clients will work together in the future.

What you’ll learn:

• Major trends across IT Services

• How providers are adapting to move beyond traditional IT

• What clients need to look for to unlock the next level of business value



• Ollie O'Dogonhue, Senior Research Analyst, HfS

• Jamie Snowdon, Chief Data Officer, HfS


