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WEBINAR: Procurement and the High-End Gig Economy: Don't Just Regulate - Innovate! (Spend Matters, BTG)
Thursday, October 19, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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Procurement and the High-end Gig Economy: Don’t Just Regulate - Innovate!

Today, enterprises are dependent on an increasing number of knowledge workers for growth and value creation. Despite this shift toward knowledge-based work, the antiquated approach to engaging workers has not changed and is now constraining business growth.

More than ever, procurement has the opportunity - and responsibility -  to find ways to tap the potential of highly-skilled talent and their knowledge. Leading procurement organizations have a new game plan: to drive workforce management efficiencies, new human capital sourcing options and increased business user value not only through control but also through innovation.

In this webinar, Andrew Karpie of Spend Matters and Jody Miller, CEO of Business Talent Group, will share real-life lessons from procurement organizations who learned the hard way that innovation is key to winning the race for high-end talent.

Andrew and Jody will also share:

  • Gaps in organizational models and practices (including the importance of high-skilled talent in a knowledge-based economy)

  • What innovative human capital models are emerging and how they support flexible, “projectized” work that requires specialized knowledge

  • Actionable ways procurement professionals can take the lead on introducing new workforce management models and specialized services to the organization

  • How procurement benefits from supporting or leading the adoption of these new talent solutions – and what it has to lose, if it does not

Join us to learn how procurement can contribute its experience and expertise to become a partner - and a leader -  in the new world of workforce management.

