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WEBINAR: Economics, Environment, and Regulations: Oh my! (Coupa, Spend Matters)
Thursday, October 26, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Brexit. GDPR. Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Sanctions. Hackers.

When the going gets tough, we’re sorry to say that all of your Excel models and spreadsheets will not be there for you. It’s time to get real about risk.

In this webinar, Spend Matters’ Jason Busch will join Coupa’s senior economist and risk expert Ahmad Sadeddin as we discuss three top risk areas and provide some actions you can take to help you sleep better at night:

Regulatory: Two sides of the Atlantic: 1) trade policy and its impact on procurement and sourcing strategies (don’t think for a minute that the “Trump” factor did not weigh in on delays in US mills quoting in the metals industry in Q3, for example); 2) GDPR from Europe (as big as Y2K for 2018?) 

EnvironmentalAddressing and staying on top of not just direct suppliers, but the extended supply chain across all areas of traceability and corporate social responsibility — new tactics driven off of persistent technology and supplier lifecycle management 

Currency/Economic: Understanding classic supply risk factors, like supplier financial risk, and trade/counterparty exposure in a leveraged market environment — and what it means for procurement strategy going into 2018

Jason and Ahmad will share real-life examples and anecdotes from buyers and suppliers who learned the best way to handle a crisis is through partnership and collaboration, not scrutiny and panic.

