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WEBINAR: The Path to Successful Robotic Automation (IRPA)
Wednesday, November 08, 2017, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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Today’s enterprises know that automation can help them eliminate rote and mundane tasks. But where to start? How do we pinpoint which processes and which tasks to automate? How do we create a roadmap that will not only ensure success of automation but also pave the way for cognitive automation and artificial intelligence in the future?

The Institute for Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence is hosting a complimentary webinar, sponsored by EdgeVerve, with guest speaker Constellation Research, entitled The Path to Successful Robotic Automation, to answer these questions and more.

In this session, we will discuss how to identify the low hanging fruits -- the processes and tasks that should be automated first -- then how to move towards achieving enterprise-wide automation goals before foraying into the AI space.

Attendees of The Path to Successful Robotic Automation will learn

  • How to choose the first processes to automate
  • Leveraging early success into long-term automation and AI plans
  • Creating a roadmap from your starting point to enterprise automation and artificial intelligence

Don’t miss this live event! Register now to reserve your seat.

