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WEBINAR: Advanced Category Management: How to Establish Building Blocks for Success (SIG, Denali)
Thursday, November 09, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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For a Category Manager to become a trusted advisor and deliver sustainable value to the business, there are three imperatives to always remember: know your stakeholders, understand your categories, and deliver results. A Category Management organization must establish a consistent, high-value procurement experience – one that is fueled by a common methodology, mindset, toolset, and clear roles and responsibilities. Category Management is a fundamental shift in the way an organization approaches procurement rather than an extension of the sourcing process.

Join us for an interactive discussion on November 9 to learn: 

•What is category management, and how do procurement teams implement a vision, with supporting goals and strategies, for their program?
•How procurement teams can expand category management into their existing program and tackle difficult categories 
•The journey to building a sustainable category management program and the failure mode that impacts an organization’s ability to launch, sustain, and scale 
•The building blocks of a strategic category management program, and how to build a mature program
•Key enablers such as analytics tools and processes, competencies, and access to intelligence
