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WEBINAR: The State of Contingent Management: Insights into the Future of Work...and Beyond (DCR Workforce, Ardent Partners)
Tuesday, December 05, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To run the modern business, executives must enact consistent, real-time thinking to respond to the ever-competitive shifts in the global marketplace. For this reason alone, the very concept of “agility” has been making waves as an important enterprise objective for the past few years. With the non-employee workforce doubling in just over seven years (today, it accounts for 40% of the global workforce), this growth (and the contingent workforce programs that count on these workers to drive more and more enterprise value) has been a prime enabler for operational agility.

The links between contingent workforce management and agility? Talent, Technology and the Future of Work, all of which are actively revolutionizing not only CWM programs today, but also enabling a transformational means of how work is addressed and done.

Join us on Tuesday, December 5, at 1 pm ET for a webinar that will feature a deep-dive into the new State of Contingent Workforce Management 2017-2018 research study, published by Ardent Partners. Report author and industry thought leader, Christopher J. Dwyer, Vice President of Research at Ardent, will discuss:

Why agility has become the top focal area for businesses today.

How the Future of Work and its related innovation, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, are transforming how work is done.

The continued, dominant and progressive role of Vendor Management System (VMS) technology in addressing the evolution of contingent workforce management.

The structure of the best-in-class CWM program.

Dwyer will also highlight the increasingly blurred lines between CWM and human capital management, as well as how new and various aspects of the new world of work, such as the consumerization of talent engagement, play pivotal roles in this exciting new era of business.

