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WEBINAR: Artificial Intelligence - Changing the Landscape of Due Diligence and Monitoring (ISM, LexisNexis)
Thursday, March 08, 2018, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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Are you interested in gaining insight on the technology of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?
Are you making the most of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

Attend this webinar to hear about what AI and machine learning technologies are and how these technologies are being applied on third party risk diligence and monitoring solutions. You will see real life implication examples and you will learn how AI techniques have become an essential part of technology and efficiency. Join Karen Gray and Pawana Burlakoti to gain insights on how recent advancements in AI and Machine Learning have contributed to the growth of automation; and learn how both are shifting the landscape of due diligence and the monitoring of third-parties.

Find out how to maximize efforts of existing resources, such as:

  • Applying fuzzy algorithms to uncover blind spots. Algorithms will provide alternatives and suggestions on third party name that a user wouldn’t necessarily think about. This will provide broader coverage while performing search on third parties.
  • Incorporating machine learning to get to relevant results. Machine learning to eliminate results that are not useful or relevant. Over time, results can be catered to the user preference and previous user history. If an organization has defined their risk tolerance, machine learning can be implemented to look for and find risk data that matches their risk management principles.
  • Automating search criteria and allowing technology to monitor entity risk to Take the burden of manual work from users and implement technology for diligence and monitoring. Removes dependency on human resources and can scale up activities to cover broader set up third parties.

