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WEBINAR: Practically Speaking: Why IT and Procurement Should Talk About Digital Transformation (ProcureCon, GEP)
Thursday, March 08, 2018, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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You’ve heard all about the advantages of learning multiple languages. Within business enterprises today, there are two groups that would give the whole company a big boost if they learned each other’s language: procurement and IT.

The real goal is to achieve effective collaboration—figuring out how to work together so that technology-related purchases are done consistently in alignment with the best interests of the company.

Beyond IT sourcing, this is especially critical when procurement is looking to transform itself digitally. To achieve maturity, procurement needs to choose and deploy procurement software that will enable true step change and a new role as strategic contributor to business outcomes. Disruptive digital technologies, such as AI, IoT and blockchain, have made the IT team even more critical in helping enterprise procurement teams select the right technology and tools to transform their operations.

Join two dynamic speakers from GEP – Santosh Reddy, director of the technology services organization, and Paul Blake, associate director of product marketing – for an enlightening presentation that speaks directly to CPOs, CIOs, and success-oriented members of both teams.

  • Learn about how a closer IT-procurement collaboration can be beneficial to the individual teams and to the larger organization
  • Get a briefing on the current state of the market for procurement software and what the top selection criteria should be
  • Find out how the IT organization can provide enterprise-wide leadership by driving workplace transformation through digital procurement

