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WEBINAR: The 4 KPIs for Selecting Your RPA Solution (IRPA, Kryon Systems)
Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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Many enterprises have embraced RPA in their organization only to be disappointed in their initial results. RPA is more than simply a new tool or technology to be onboarded into an organization. It represents a much larger change management implementation integral to enterprise digital transformation and the selection process needs to reflect this.

Join David Mayer, RPA Analyst at NelsonHall as he presents his framework for selecting an RPA solution to best meet the needs of your organization. Register now to reserve your seat. In this presentation you will learn about:

  • The importance of cost reduction, quality control, risk management and scalability in your RPA vendor selection
  • Where RPA buyers have gone wrong in in the past and how to avoid these mistakes
  • How Kryon RPA addresses these challenges

