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WEBINAR: Reality Check on Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (HfS Research)
Thursday, April 12, 2018, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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The noise in the market around AI is deafening. Yet, most of this hype is focused on more consumer-facing issues or projects that cannot easily be replicated. To separate the wheat from the chaff HfS’ inaugural Enterprise AI Blueprint has taken stock where organizations really are on their journey toward the OneOffice and how AI is accelerating that journey.
We will present the main findings of the study and discuss the key issues with thought-leaders in the AI space:
- Jesus Mantas, Global Head of Strategy & Offerings, IBM Global Business Services
- Mike Salvino, Managing Director, Carrick Capital Partners, Executive Chairman, Infinia ML
- Phil Fersht, CEO and Chief Analyst, HfS Research
- Tom Reuner, Managing Partner, Business Operations Strategy