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WEBINAR: Procurement Agility – How Can You Adapt To Meet Tomorrow’s Uncertainty? (ivalua)
Thursday, June 28, 2018, 10:00am - 11:00am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In today’s dynamic and highly uncertain market, new requirements arise every day, from new regulations to new sources of risk or competition. Building a truly agile procurement function requires more than adjusting internal processes. In this session, you will gain insight on how to implement an agile approach, drawing from a mix of procurement, technology and research expertise. Learn how Fannie Mae has taken a holistic approach to enabling procurement agility, from digitizing internal processes to proactively addressing cyber security risk.

In particular, our panel will address:

  • Hear how to implement an agile strategy, including use of technology and lessons learned from an example
  • What are the fundamental drivers of agile, and what does it look like in practice vs. theory
  • What should managers do differently to build more agile practices and skillsets

