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WEBINAR: The Age of Intelligence: Ascending to the Next Level of Procurement Performance (Ardent Partners, GEP)
Tuesday, September 25, 2018, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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In 2018, businesses and consumers are now fully engulfed by technology and the data it creates and captures. New tools, applications and connected devices are producing more data than ever before, and businesses have an extraordinary opportunity to capitalize on this data to fuel growth, innovation and transformation.

Procurement is right there in the data-driven revolution, poised to use Big Data to generate new types of intelligence that CPOs can use to develop powerful business strategies and approaches. Procurement leaders are seeking to better understand the state of procurement today, both to assess how other organizations are reacting and to get recommendations for improving their own operations and performance.

In this webinar presented by GEP and Ardent Partners, we discuss the key findings of the new report, CPO Rising: The Age of Intelligence, which captured the experience, performance and perspectives of more than 320 CPOs and other procurement executives. We’ll examine the general competencies and capabilities of procurement organizations today, including the art and science of Big Data management. And we’ll establish a current definition of best-in-class procurement performance based on the results of Ardent Partners’ research.

