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WEBINAR: How OMV AG is Digitally Transforming its Supplier Relationship Management (SAPAriba)
Friday, January 18, 2019, 04:00am - 05:00am
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Procurement organizations truly understand that digital transformation is no longer a choice. In an increasingly competitive market, it is key for procurement to better collaborate with suppliers, gain in agility on fast changing demands and ensure scalability to minimize risks. While the positive benefits are clear, navigating the path to the Cloud can be challenging for companies.

We are delighted to invite you for a webinar highlighting in detail how the oil and chemicals group OMV decided to embark on the digital journey. In a best practice session, you will learn more about which approach OMV adapted to get a tailored action plan to digitize their supplier relationship management. The deep-dive webinar will also deliver you useful insights about OMV’s transformation roadmap to a hybrid Procurement architecture with the innovative capabilities and security of SAP Ariba cloud solutions and the power of SAP S/4HANA.

Join us on January 18 and hear from OMV as they:

  • Explain what had led them to move from SAP SRM to SAP Ariba
  • Outline their approach to re-map their complex purchasing processes from on-premise to the Cloud
  • Share best practices for transitioning from a supplier relationship management customization to the Cloud

Who should attend: SAP SRM customers from IT and Procurement departments

