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WEBINAR Mitigating the Risk of Supplier Non-Performance & Non-Compliance in the Private Sector (Proactis)
Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 10:00am - 11:00am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Join us for this webinar, where we will explore the key elements of supplier risk management and showcase solutions that can help you maintain the necessary level of visibility that comes from the way that both supplier and contract information is collected, stored, and managed. 

We’ll look at how to minimise the risk of damage caused by: 

  • Events that cause disruption to the availability of supplier service and result in greater substitution costs. 
  • Unanticipated changes in pricing and availability of products/services that can have an impact on margin and costs etc. 
  • Supply chain activity that adversely impacts the public perception of the product/service and results in sales loss or adverse PR. 
  • Unchecked contract auto-renewals which lock organisations into costly and cumbersome agreements. 
  • Duplicate agreements and missed opportunities for volume-based savings. 
  • Lack of proper controls to ensure suppliers/sub-contractors are fully compliant and of the right calibre. 

