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WEBINAR: The Human Side of Digital Transformation: 3 Metrics for Success (Tradeshift, SharedServicesLink)
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All businesses are digitally transforming in some shape or form but there is one area that isn’t typically a focus – people change. In fact, failing to focus on the human side can derail a digital transformation project. Embracing change management fosters positive, agile, resilient supply chains and allows organizations to effectively manage roadblocks and resistance that will inevitably come with change when implementing new technology.

So what can enterprises do to ensure they bring people on the journey with them and establish a culture of change? Join Tradeshift and Abreon as we discuss:

  • Major pitfalls enterprises encounter during digital transformation
  • Importance of managing the people side of change
  • Critical role communication plays in change
  • Timing and scheduling considerations

 Our experts will share their advice and provide you with 3 key metrics that must be tracked and achieved to ensure a successful digital transformation.

