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WEBINAR: Sourcing Optimization: A Case for Modernization (Keelvar, IHS Markit)
Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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With supply chains crossing 74 countries on five continents, Latin American food producer Grupo Nutresa has — for 100 years — continually examined its sourcing processes and innovated to streamline distribution and supplier decisions. In the last decade, the company took on a wide range of procurement spend categories, including ocean transport, to assess how laborious and inefficient processes can be best improved in a significant and measurable way. Their answer: sourcing optimization that leverages automation capabilities.

In this webcast, members of the Grupo Nutresa strategic sourcing team will engage in a dynamic dialogue with their current sourcing optimization and automation provider, Keelvar, to discuss their journey to a solution including:

• Tips on identifying priority categories for sourcing optimization
• Leveraging positive results to expand application use
• Navigating required organizational and business process changes
• Creating ROI

Keelvar is pleased to sponsor this event to showcase the transformation possibilities when procurement teams add sourcing optimization capabilities and intelligent sourcing automation.


