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WEBINAR: Broadening Procurement’s Impact: How Telecom Giant BT Drives the Bottom Line and Corporate Resiliency (AOP, Suplari)
Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Profitability is more important than ever — and procurement leaders are more strategic than ever. Procurement is no longer just a cost center, a spender of money made by others in the enterprise. With the right tools and methodology, procurement can maximize every dollar of profit and discover every dollar of cost savings, positioning them to be critical drivers of the bottom line.

In this AOP Live session, Adam Brown of BT will talk about the expansive opportunities for value creation available to CPOs and procurement teams who have the vision to seize them. Alongside facilitator Philip Ideson, Adam will explore cross functional collaboration, technology integration, and the measurable impact procurement can have on shareholder value.

Adam will answer your live questions about:

  • How you can help sell other enterprise teams on the procurement value proposition
  • How procurement can bring more spend under management without becoming overly transactional
  • The opportunity to uncover new savings opportunities by bringing multiple different systems together
  • The impact procurement can have on the bottom line through quick and quality tech enablement


