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WEBINAR: Profit from Procurement Virtual Book Launch (Efficio, Art of Procurement)
Thursday, May 06, 2021, 10:00am - 11:00am
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2F7F001E 27EE 49E8 8261 380BB9C54291 4 5005 cPhilip Ideson, Founder and Managing Director of Art of Procurement will be facilitating this event. Efficio's authors Alex Klein – COO and Co-Founder, Simon Whatson – VP, and Jose Oliveira – VP will explain the book's origin, the writing process, key themes, and why it's such an important tool for Procurement leaders and professionals.

They will also discuss the following key takeaways from the book:
1) Why is there an enduring need for strategic Procurement– during a pandemic, as well as in more normal times?
2) Why cross functional collaboration is essential for success 
3) Why savings mastery should be the first key step for Procurement and what it can aspire to after that 

The final part of this event will be open to answer your questions to the authors.


