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WEBINAR: Native Automation is the Critical Ingredient to Unify your Workforce (HfS Research, Blue Prism)
Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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HFS and Blue Prism partnered to survey 400 automation leaders across the Global 2000 and we will debate the findings

Automation is a critical discipline for the OneOffice journey… but automation is not your strategy. It is a necessary competency to ensure your processes provide the data to achieve your business outcomes. If they are not automated, you will struggle to run a remote, “work from anywhere” business where front and back office are aligned as OneOffice.

Automation must be native to any organization, giving it the ability to develop AI to orchestrate these processes.

Your strategy is to have data that enables you to stay ahead of your competitors and make smart business decisions.

Join us as we share new research from HFS, supported by Blue Prism, where we reveal the key takeaways from a recent survey of automation decision makers at 400 of the Global 2000 enterprises. We will also have a discussion with representatives from Thames Water and Blue Prism about their approach to automation strategy and debate the research findings.



Tune in as we take a deep dive on the following:

  • What does native automation mean and how can we make it a reality in the enterprise?
  • How does the digital workforce augment and enhance our human workforce to work better, faster and more intelligently in a remote environment?
  • How can we overcome culture and change management issues to adopt a native automation mindset? And what digitally fluent skills are required to get the most value from a digital workforce?
  • How can enterprises fully integrate across the OneOffice organization using the digital workforce to enhance experience and create value for our customers and employees?


Phil Fersht, CEO and Chief Analyst, HFS Research

Melissa O’Brien, Research VP, HFS Research

Featured speakers:

Nicola North, RPA Lead, Thames Water

Eric Tyree, Head of AI, Blue Prism
