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Inspiring Women: Building better business relationships (World Commerce and Contracting)
Thursday, September 29, 2022, 10:00am
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Do you feel motivated in your role, or are you part of the 1 in 7 people who plan to leave your organization in the next 6 months?

Our studies found the percentage of employees who love their jobs has decreased by 17% since 2019 due to several factors including salary, flexibility, benefits, and business culture. For organizations to become the “leaders of the pack” and to avoid the “great resignation”, it has been proven that they should focus on building relationships to drive better business outcomes and success by taking a real interest in understanding their employee’s career trajectories.

Using her experience and knowledge, our 2022 Inspiring Woman, Teju Despande, will be discussing the best practice examples, areas to avoid and the models to put in place to start working on getting the most from your team.

We support a global audience with speakers from around the world. We acknowledge that events listed may not always run during your working hours. Please register for the live event to receive a copy of the recording and enjoy at your convenience.

