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7 Pressing Cybersecurity Questions Boards Need To Ask (Harvard Business Review)
Thursday, May 25, 2023, 12:00pm
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In the face of increasing cybersecurity threats — that pose significant risks for firms — boards of directors have a unique role to play in helping their organizations manage these threats.

Boards do not have day-to-day management responsibility, but they do have oversight and fiduciary responsibility.  To fulfill these responsibilities, directors must be knowledgeable leaders who prioritize cybersecurity and personally demonstrate commitment. While many directors recognize this, they still seek answers on how best to navigate their company’s growing cybersecurity needs.

On Thursday, May 25, Keri Pearlson, executive director of the Cybersecurity at MIT Sloan Research Consortium, will lead a live HBR webinar exploring key cybersecurity questions that boards need to address. She will discuss:

  • Why cybersecurity is about much more than just protecting data
  • Prevailing approaches to protect companies from cyber threats
  • What role the board should play when handling cyber risk
  • Developing a comprehensive strategy in the event of an incident

Cybersecurity is now a board-level issue and directors play a key role in helping their organizations manage cybersecurity threats. Asking smart questions at the next board meeting might just prevent a breach from becoming a total disaster.

To learn more about how your board can best protect your company from cyber threats, join Keri Pearlson and HBR on May 25.

