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From legalese to leverage: Harnessing contract language to drive business success (World Commerce and Contracting)
Thursday, April 25, 2024, 10:00am - 11:00am
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WorldCC research shows that more than 90% of businesspeople find contracts 'hard or impossible' to understand.

Why do we continue to write business contracts in such a convoluted manner when clear and concise language could benefit both parties? Is a step towards clarity in legal drafting essential to better contracting outcomes? Can plain language replace legalese? And what is legalese, anyway? Why does it exist? What can the contracting community do to make business outcomes better for everyone?

Join WorldCC’s Community Manager, lecturer at the University of Grenoble, Harry Bevan, who is studying this issue as part of his PhD as he debates the pros and cons of plain language with WorldCC fellow, former commercial director of Thales and Airbus, and teacher of Contract Management at the University of Lapland, Tony Alcock.

