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Industry Calendar

Building Profitable Habits (Aubrey Daniels)
Friday, April 04, 2014, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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People will do, as a matter of habit, what brings them positive experiences. Using the proven science of behavior, organizations can better understand how to predict and positively influence behavior.

Applying the science of behavior in your organization does not require a staff of scientists. Join ADI vice president, Ken Wagner, as he discusses the proven science of behavior (behavior analysis) and how to use it to predict and positively influence behavior. 

This webinar will explain how employees at all levels can understand and effectively manage behavior, leading the way to building profitable habits within your organization.

Ken will cover the following during this free 45-minute webinar,

  • The organizational context for performance
  • How to capture Discretionary Effort
  • Why people do what they do
  • A 5-step model for change

By definition, habits are an acquired pattern of behaviors that occur automatically. Isn’t it time you find out how to build profitable habits within your organization?

