Industry Calendar
Your interaction with B2C apps help you be a more productive, connected, and happier person. Access to family and friends, to-do lists, reminders, music, motivational health quotes, games, and learning a new language is now a button click away in the app store.
Leading-edge consumer platforms use cognitive and behavioral psychology to guide their users to their desired outcomes. This webinar will unpack this notion and show how it applies to B2B procurement, and what is needed behind the scenes to pull it off.
These systems and guided behaviors work by understanding:
- Who you are
- What you are
- What you are trying to buy (and why)
- Predicting what you are trying to buy (and why) as early as possible
- Learning from others who have bought this before to better help you
- Helping you achieve your desired outcomes
- Doing so while supporting the broader requirements within a corporate enterprise
Join Spend Matters Chief Research Officer Pierre Mitchell and GEP’s Senior Manager, Technology Product Marketing, Paul Blake as they compare the UI and functionality of B2C apps to B2B procurement technology, including how modern SaaS apps are using AI and other techniques to learn from their user bases and make the system increasingly intelligent and relevant to users.