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WEBINAR: How Digitized and Transformed Procurement Can Empower the Future Supply Chain (GEP, Procurement Leaders)
Tuesday, April 16, 2019, 10:00am - 11:00am
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Are we seeing the end of an ERP era? What kind of technology investments will truly empower procurement to create dramatic new efficiencies within the supply chain?

It's important to get digital technology right, to overcome obstacles preventing strategic alignment across the supply chain. The first priority is the assess the organisation's readiness to embrace digital transformation - which would allow cross-functional teams to improve their overall capabilities as the organisation evolves.

Join this webinar to get an understanding of how new technologies, especially in advanced data analytics and autonomous systems can help create a "well-oiled machine", providing supply chain teams with the agility, flexibility and responsiveness that allows for more impactful activities and improved decision making.

In this webinar you will learn about:

  • Harnessing technology to optimise inventory management and develop more accurate replenishment plans
  • Understanding the process of matching technology capability with the demands of your indirect and direct procurement strategies
  • What questions to ask and what criteria to focus on when adopting new technologies for supply chain and procurement planning

