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Industry Calendar

WEBINAR: Transforming Supply Chain & Direct Procurement through Digital Technologies (SIG, GEP)
Thursday, April 25, 2019, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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In the past; organizations struggled to manage costs when integrating purchasing into Supply Chain Operations. Supply Chain Planning is a data-rich process, demanding a lot of analytical power to better understand what it takes to create a well-oiled machine. When it comes to Direct Procurement which impacts the overall business, it’s imperative to leverage suppliers that provide reliability, quality and cost. Today, AI, Predictive Analysis, and Cloud-based technology has allowed businesses to automatically maximize service and minimize cost simultaneously.

In this webinar you will learn about:
*How an automated process leveraging technology can provide supply chain professionals more time for impactful, long-term-view activities
*Businesses can order direct procurement products ahead of time and potentially shape organizational demand.
*A more efficient direct procurement plan to improve inventory level accuracy and reduced operational cost.
*Manage Inventory optimization, and replenishment plans developed more accurately.

