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WEBINAR: Conquering the eCommerce Marketplace for B2B P2P Needs: Monoprice’s perspective (Tradeshift)
Thursday, May 30, 2019, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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B2C eCommerce marketplaces are the new frontier for B2B. Companies are seeing the impact of owning a marketplace and how it allows them to tap into new revenue streams. Monoprice, a consumer electronics company, has traditionally leveraged a B2C marketplace and adapted this philosophy to their B2B road map. 
Join Jon Reynolds, Monoprice’s Business Unit Director for Marketplace and Jayson Humphrey, Tradeshift’s Marketplace Director as they discuss owning a B2B eCommerce marketplace.

This webinar will cover:
- B2B marketplace’s impact on revenue growth for sellers/suppliers
- Monoprice’s motivation and methodology behind creating a B2B marketplace 
- Challenges and benefits Monoprice’s eCommerce department faced
- How B2B marketplace adaption to buyers demand enables access to new audiences and expands working capital through cost savings.

