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WEBINAR: Achieving Contract Intelligence with Transformative Search and Access (IACCM, ThoughtTrace)
Tuesday, October 29, 2019, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Contracts and other documents are more than just transactional paper and pixels; they are assets that hold risk, value, and opportunity. If you can’t organize and access that information quickly and dynamically, you are missing out on insights that should inform your strategy and mitigate your fire drill moments.

If key stakeholders inquired about a segment of your company’s contract population, how long would it take to come back with a confident answer? How many "sources of truth" are there for that information in your company? Join ThoughtTrace CEO, Nick Vandivere, with CTO, Joel Hron, and Subject Matter Expert and attorney, Melissa Gorgei, as they discuss how companies that achieve true Contract Intelligence can increase organizational capability, find competitive advantage, and even produce millions in value.

The team will cover:

-    The levels of maturity in a document digital transformation and where most companies fit today
-    The right questions to ask around due diligence, risk, and more to find insights that truly impact the bottom line
-    How to move from transactional to strategic by leveraging advanced analysis from AI-driven understanding
-    What you can do to ensure pre-execution and post-execution success

