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WEBINAR: Become a Changemaker in AP: How Take-Two Interactive Software is Going Digital (Tradeshift)
Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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Take-Two Interactive Software is a leading developer, publisher, and marketer of interactive entertainment. They own labels including Rockstar Games which publishes games including Grand Theft Auto V, which reached $1 billion in sales faster than any entertainment release in history. 

This company is a changemaker, and to be a changemaker you must have the vision to design the future, the will to implement your vision, and the leadership and compassion to manage the consequences. Rock Persaud, Director of Accounts Payable at Take -Two Interactive Software discuss how they’re executing their vision for change, what’s driving them, what they’ve learned along the way, and the pitfalls to avoid. 

This webinar will address: 

  • How finance departments are adapting in a rapidly changing, digital environment · 
  • Take-Two Interactive Software’s Journey to go digital? · 
  • How they overcame the more painful aspects of change Don’t miss this webinar to help you on your digital transformation journey.

