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WEBINAR: Top Concerns in Talent Management for Shared Services: Lessons to Future-Proof Your Workforce (Everest Group)
Tuesday, February 04, 2020, 10:00am - 11:00am
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Changing expectations for how Global Business Centers deliver value and innovation, combined with the increasing adoption of intelligent automation technologies, are dramatically impacting the talent equation across shared services and outsourcing activities.

To address these challenges, this session will provide you with actionable insights on related topics, including:

  • Workforce planning for the future
  • Talent scarcity challenges and options
  • Getting more from the existing workforce

We will answer the following questions:

  1. Why and how are talent needs evolving?
  2. What are the options to address future talent needs?
  3. How do you balance the talent demand-supply dynamics?
  4. What are best-in-class organizations doing to cultivate a future-ready workforce?

Who should attend and why?
This webinar will provide leaders of Shared Services, Global In-house, and Global Business Centers with critical insight around current vs. future talent needs, how best to navigate shortages in skilled talent, and key takeaways from best-in-class talent management practices.

