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WEBINAR: The State of Contingent Workforce Management 2020 (Ardent Partners, CXC Global)
Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 10:00pm - 11:00pm
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The global evolution of contingent workforce has been truly incredible.

A decade ago, businesses would use contingent labour as an alternative to traditional talent-based strategies to get themselves through challenging economic times. Having the ability to perform work efficiently and effectively, without using too many resoruces, the use of contingent labour became a crucial component of every workforce strategy. 

Since then, the world has witnessed the rapid growth of contingent labour which has forced organisations to redefine how, where and when work is being done; thus, introducing us to the Future of Work we know today. However, how was the overall growth of this workforce segment distributed globally? Is it more prevalent in some region as compared to others? If so, why is that?

To find out answers to these and many more questions, join us for the exclusive webinar on The State of Contingent Workforce Management 2020!

