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WEBINAR: Strategies to Increase Procurement “Quality of Influence” and Spend Under Management (ISM-Dallas, Spend Matters)
Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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Note: This webinar is for practitioners only.

Procurement organizations want to improve their influence to help stakeholders get more value from their spend, their suppliers, and their supply chains.  

The needed improvement requires clear metrics, but frequently-used terms like spend influence and spend under management (SUM) are not often well understood or applied strategically.  

This leaves opportunities on the table where procurement may not even be sitting regularly. This can be changed!

Join ISM-Dallas and Spend Matters for the first in a series of virtual lunch webinars where we’ll discuss some interesting findings from recent procurement research and proven best practices.  

In this first installment, we’ll discuss a recent major study of 450 CPOs related to improving supply management through:

1. Improved stakeholder engagement and procurement service delivery

2. Shifting from quantity of sourcing influence to quality of stakeholder influence

3. Using new engagement strategies and approaches via “digital transformation”

4. A broadened focus on resiliency to mitigate complexity and risk rather than just chasing savings

The session will provide on-line learning, but also offer a chance to ask questions and engage your peers. Mark your calendars.



