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WEBINAR: Triple-A All The Way! Your Post-Pandemic Automation Acceleration Plan Must Exploit The Exponential Power Of “And” (HfS Research)
Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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So how’s your pandemic going? For most enterprises it has been shining a bright light on just how mature (or not) your automation programs are and how well they support critical operations, employee, customer, and partner functions. Chances are if your automation program consists of a smattering of unintegrated piecemeal emerging tech - the alphabet soup of usual suspects – AI, RPA, BPM, ML, NLP etc – you are likely wishing you had done more to extend and scale your functionality. But fear not. It’s time to channel Churchill and leverage the current crisis as an automation acceleration opportunity towards the Triple-A Trifecta and integrated automation.

HFS created the Triple-A Trifecta concept waaaay back in the process automation olden days of 2017. We wanted to showcase that there is no singular or linear starting point for automation and while change agents like AI, RPA, and smart analytics are powerful in their own right, they are exponentially so when combined.

So find your favorite seat in your home office and join us for a spirited webinar where we’ll do more than just repeatedly show our cool Triple-A Venn diagram, we’ll showcase the power of “and” with some real enterprise examples from NEXTEra Energy, Incyte Pharma, and Cognizant.

Key themes include:

  1. What is the Triple-A Trifecta and why does it matter
  2. Can you actually achieve exponential benefits or is this a FAANG fantasy?
  3. What’s the role of ecosystem in fostering innovation, collaboration and outcomes?
  4. How to accelerate automation post-pandemic



  • Elena Christopher, Senior Vice President - Research, HFS


  • Clemmie Malley, Enterprise Automation COE Lead, NEXTEra Energy
  • Ryad Ali, Head of Digital Innovation, Incyte
  • Mariesa Coughanour, Head of Automation Advisory, Cognizant