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WEBINAR: User-Friendly, User-Powerful: The New Consumerization of Procurement (Ardent Partners, buyerquest)
Thursday, July 23, 2020, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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It has become a standard refrain, “why is it so easy to do “fill-in-the blank” process at home, but it is so hard to do the same thing at work.” Since the rise of the internet, critics have decried the large gap between consumer (or B2C) and business (or B2B) technologies. The simple fact of the matter is that these technologies (B2C and B2B) were traditionally designed for two entirely different constituencies using entirely different design principles. But, some supply management solution providers have taken notice and worked aggressively to change their approach to make more their offerings more usable and more powerful. In 2020, the consumerization of procurement has become more than an ideal, it is necessity.

Join Ardent Partners’ Founder and Chief Research Officer, Andrew Bartolini, as he moderates a lively discussion with leaders from BuyerQuest, winner of the CPO Honors 2019 award for Technology Innovation and Amazon Business on the importance and power of usable and powerful procurement solutions.


