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WEBINAR: Data Science and the Art of Persuasion (Harvard Business Review)
Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Despite significant investments to hire talented data scientists, many companies are disappointed with their results.

The problem, says author and data visualization expert, Scott Berinato, is that most data scientists are trained to ask smart questions, wrangle the relevant data, and uncover insights. But few data scientists are skilled at effectively communicating what those insights mean for the business. How can companies get greater value from their data science teams? 

On September 29th, Berinato will join the next Ask HBR webinar and will share insights from his recent HBR article, Data Science and the Art of Persuasion. Berinato will discuss what data science teams need to do to achieve greater success and will answer questions around the kinds of talents data science teams need.

Ask HBR is a new webinar experience with special access to HBR authors and contributors in a more interactive setting. Each Ask HBR is 30 minutes and focuses primarily on answering your questions. You can email your questions in advance to make sure they are answered, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you are part of a data science team and want to have even greater impact, or you want your data science team to add more value to the organization, join Scott Berinato and HBR on September 29th.


