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WEBINAR: Addressing the Risks of Macroeconomic Disruptions (Spend Matters, JAGGAER)
Tuesday, October 06, 2020, 10:00am - 11:00am
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While pandemics are top of mind in 2020, macroeconomic disruptions are a constant threat for supply chains. With companies and their supply lines more global than ever, organizational vulnerability, contracts, and supply disruptions all pose a risk to supply. It’s not a question of whether there will be problems, but when.

In our webinar on October 6, hear from JAGGAER’s CEO Jim Bureau and Spend Matters’ VP European Research and Lead Analyst Magnus Bergfors, as they discuss methods for addressing risk in 2020. They’ll address solutions for minimizing contract risk, the threats of future economic disruption, and how to protect your organization as a whole. Hear stories of how organizations like yours have mitigated risk, and the importance of partnerships and technology. Come prepared with questions for our panelists and join the conversation.

