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Accelerating Digital Transformation – The Power of Collaboration in Procurement (Fairmarkit & SDI)
Wednesday, August 09, 2023, 01:00pm - 01:45pm
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Introducing Fairmarkit Managed, powered by SDI: combining the strengths of Fairmarkit's intelligent autonomous sourcing platform and SDI's five-decade mastery of maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) spend management – the tail of tailspend. The result is a low-risk, high-impact solution that minimizes procurement chaos, frees internal resources for strategic activities, and provides a fast track to digital transformation in procurement.

Hear from CEOs Kevin Frechette (Fairmarkit) and Chris Moore (SDI) as they discuss the power of collaboration in procurement, real-world examples, and the benefits of Fairmarkit Managed. Following the webinar, there will be a short Q&A session for attendees.

