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Automating Third-Party Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring with Advanced, Multilingual AI (Procurement Leaders & smartKYC)
Thursday, October 12, 2023, 08:00am - 05:00pm
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Safeguarding your organisation’s reputation has never been more important. ESG failings of third parties, their criminal behaviour, or their adverse reputation could have a knock-on impact on your business – a drop in sales, a falling share price or damage to your brand. And with CS3D on the horizon, thorough and ongoing third-party due diligence assumes greater importance. 

But with so many suppliers, representatives and other associated parties operating in so many countries, how can already-stretched resources cope with this increased due diligence overhead?

In this webinar, we will demonstrate how a combination of natural language processing and generative AI can do all the heavy lifting associated with due diligence discovery at both onboarding and during the lifetime of the relationship. We will show how 24/7 risk vigilance is possible so that new third-party risks alerts can be routed to the organisation as they happen, rather than those risks gather their own momentum to develop into a full-blown crisis.

All achieved at a fraction of the cost of the human alternative and fully integrated into your current workflows.

