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Benchmark Report 2023 - Part 2: positioning the value of CCM (World Commerce & Contracting)
Tuesday, November 07, 2023, 10:00am - 05:00pm
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90% of executives understand the need for better contracts and more streamlined processes.

Too often, contract and commercial management are viewed as operational or administrative tasks, dismissed as necessary, but with little status. Yet the data proves otherwise. CCM is a critical discipline that keeps the cogs of any business turning.

In this second webinar in our 2023 Benchmark Series, we reveal key metrics from the world of CCM and discuss the value these represent. Plus we will dig into how the role varies between buy side and sell side and between geographic regions.

It’s your chance to discover how you compare, whether your CCM team is among the high performers and to gain insight to the characteristics of the leaders in value delivery.

